Blue Heron Park - 111 Westshore Drive, Moses Lake, WA 98837
From 1-90 East, take exit 174 (Mae Valley/Hansen Rd). Turn right at exit, right on Sage Rd., right on Hansen Road, right at Stop Sign onto Westshore Drive. The park is 1 mi. on the left.
From I-90 West, take exit 175. Right off exit and park entrance will be on right.
Event Details
The Moses Lake Triathlon offers the choice of Sprint, Olympic and Family distances. Enjoy the Sprint distance with a swim of ½ mile, a 11 mile ride (out and back) parallel to I-90, and finish with a 3.1 mile run along beautiful Moses Lake. Or challenge yourself with the Olympic distance, completing a second loop in the swim, a 22 mile ride (out and back) parallel to I-90, and finish with a 6.2 mile along Moses Lake. The Family distance provides a ¼ mile shoreline swim, and continues with the same 11 mile ride, and 3.1 mile run of the Sprint.